Why Project «Baltic Grassland-Beef»?
Initial Position
- Worldwide climate change influences the production of food-and agricultural commodities
- Increasing demand for bio ethanol-products
- Reduction of CO2 emissions
- Worldwide increase of food prices
- Beef produced on basis of concentrated feed competes human nutrition “feed no food”
- Demand of foods based on ecological and animal friendly production is increasing
- Decline of the self-sufficiency level of beef meat in Western Europe
- Increasing demand (wealth in China, India and Eastern Europe) > raising of prices in South America
- Production suitable to habitat (meat from roughage feed)
- Foods based on ecological and animal friendly production
- Promotion of high quality products (carcass and consumption)
- Consolidation of mother cow husbandry (beef production)
- Promotion of climate-balance of imported beef
Baltic States

The Baltic is a well-wooded landscape characterized by dunes and moraines. About 40% of its surface is forested and a further 40% is used for farming. A large part of the grassland is not suited to cultivation for climatic reasons. Beef cattle breeding is the ideal form of grassland use.